
Thursday, 16 November 2017


On Tuesday my school had Athletics.It was fun because when we finished morning tea we did lots of games.and after the games we had zumba. My least favourite part of the day was when people threw                                                         water on me.but it was worth it

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

In Term 3, we got the chance to make our very own films. The theme for this year’s films, “confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners”. Our teacher, Mrs Faalili put us into groups. My group was The Crazy Carrots. We learnt about storyboarding, different types of shots and angles as well as how to hold the ipad correctly. Our film is a comedy and horror and it is about a girl who stalks people and killed a girl One thing I really liked about this whole filming process was working with my group and having fun .

Monday, 30 October 2017

story mountain

today for reading we did a story mountain and described a short film called course of is my                                                                          work

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Thursday, 21 September 2017

stage 5 phonics

Today my reading group had to do stage 5 phonics words.We had to think of some stage 5 phonics and write down as many as we could think of and write a silly sentence.Here is my work from today

Friday, 15 September 2017

Dear kidscan

Dear kidscan: Thank you for the things you provide us.we really appreciate what you have done for us. We really appreciate your help and support. Thank you for supporting us throughout the year. We are truly grateful. Thank you once again from jonay

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

maritime museum trip

last week my class went to the maritime was fun because we got to explore the museum and look for things.when we finished my group went to play in the sand pit for a while and wait for other groups to Finish,when the groups finished it was time for us to have lunch.when lunch finished a man did a cannon and i was so loud.then we waited for the fairy to come.and when it got to us we hoped on and we went for a ride.when the ride finished we went back to the museum to get our stuff and head back to school .i hope next year we get to come back

Last day of volley ball

last term our school had volley ball lessons,it was fun but on the last day it was kind of sad because i                      was just getting better but i do hope we have volley ball lessons next year

Monday, 4 September 2017

y phonics

Today for phonics my class were thinking of words that start with y,here are some that i thought of

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

ea phonics

Today for phonics we learnt about the sound "ea" Here are some words i came up with

Thursday, 10 August 2017

how do earthquakes start

for the past 3 weeks we have been wondering why and how earthquakes start here are some questions that i realy wanted to know

Tuesday, 8 August 2017


  1. we can save water by taking short showers and not letting the water run when we find our cloths                                                                                                                                                     
  2. we can save water by not fulling your pool all the way up and not letting the water run all night                                                                                                                                                       
  3. save water by waiting and finding all your cloths and not putting a bit in at a time                      
  4. save water by only boiling the jug if you really want a drink                                                            
  5. save water by getting a low flush toilet                                                                                                 

  6. we can save water by steaming our vegies                                                                                                                           
  7. we can save water by catching rain water and put buckets every where                                            
  8. if you leave the tap running it wastes 15 liters  a day                                                                            
  9. if we use too much water we will have to waste our money on it                                                      
  10.  When you're paying your utility provider for exactly how much water you use, laid out in an itemised bill, there's an incentive to waste less of the stuff.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Phonics dge

To use dge you will need to put a vowel before you type it for example fudge

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Recount Structure - Poi

For Reading today, we had to identify the structure of a recount. I know that in a recount the structure is

1. Title
2. Orientation - who, when, where
3. Sequence of events (what happened)
4. The ending - personal reflection/comment.

Here is my work on the story that I read today called Poi by Tira Johnson

Monday, 31 July 2017


For phonics today we focused on the sound of the soft c. We learnt that the rule for the soft c are the vowels E I and the letter Y come after the letter c. This is what makes the sound of a soft c. Here are some examples

Thursday, 20 July 2017

This term the bubble gum dance crew came to our school to perform for us so they could make it threw the hip hop finale. it was fun cause they did a huge dance for us and we were all cheering for them and enjoyed our self.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

This is my dance group pacific pearls

this is my work that i have been focusing on for the past week

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Welcome to my blog

Hi my name is Jonay and i attend at Glen Taylor School.I am Scottish Irish German Maori and Moriori .I live with my parents and my 5 siblings and my little brother and me are the middle children in my family
My favourite sport is netball.I like playing netball because I play with students in my class.At school i like learning new things everyday.My second favourite thing to do at school is playing volleyball with my class and i also like playing with my brother and my goals for this year is to try my best in my learning and be a good and kind role model.
This year i am looking forward on going on trips with my class and my amazing teacher miss Siale